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Human Development Report 2007/2008 : Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world The Human Development Report 2007/2008 shows that climate change is not just a future scenario. Increased exposure to droughts, floods and storms is already destroying opportunity and reinforcing inequality. Meanwhile, there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that the world is moving towards the point at which irreversible ecological catastrophe becomes unavoidable. Business-as-usual climate change points in a clear direction: unprecedented reversal in human development in our lifetime, and acute risks for our children and their grandchildren.

Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions

The climate change futures project and subsequent study stemmed from a common concern of the Center for Global Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, Swiss Re and the United Nations Development Programme (国際連合開発計画). This concern was centered on the emerging threats to human health and our economy from climate change and environmental degradation.


ユニセフ (2007) written by Donna Goodman

Climate Change and Children examines the effects of climate change on children, including information, facts and children’s experiences of natural disasters, disease, water scarcity, food security issues, deforestation and more. You can also download this report クリック

気候変動と子ども達: A Human Security Challenge

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre and Programme Division (2008) written by Donna Goodman and Selim Iltus, together with a team of experts

The study reviews the implications of climate change for children and future generations, drawing on relevant experiences of promoting child rights in different sectors and countries. It explores in detail the way in which changes in temperature and rainfall impact on child survival, development and protection goals.

Legacy of disasters: The impact of climate change on children

This briefing looks at the threats to children from climate change and at their involvement in disaster reduction strategies.

UNICEF-IRC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education for Schools Roundtable Meeting, Final Report of Proceedings and Framework for Action

written by Donna Goodman and Henk van Norden for UNICEF, with Kathleen Shordt and Mariëlle Snel for IRC

This publication is a report of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Schools Roundtable meeting, which took place in Oxford, UK, 24-26 January 2005. With the support of Oxfam, UK, and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), UNICEF and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) gathered more than 100 people to share experiences and expertise and to examine barriers to education related to water and sanitation issues.

Earth Charter Initiative

地球憲章イニシア​​ティブの使命は、生活や人生のコミュニティの尊重とケアを含む共有倫理的なフレームワークの上に築かグローバル社会の持続的な方法への移行を促進することである, 生態系の健全性, 普遍的な人権, 多様性の尊重, 経済的正義, 民主主義, と平和の文化. Climate change — caused by humanity’s emission of greenhouse gases — has emerged as a global issue of the highest urgency. On this page, you will find some articles addressing climate change from an integrated ethical perspective, as framed by the Earth Charter. This page was initially developed in 2007 to stimulate a dialogue on these issues making the linkages with the Earth Charter.

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) has taken the opportunity to make sanitation a major focus in its 2008 update report, entitled Progress in Drinking-water and Sanitation: special focus on sanitation.

This report details global progress towards the Millenium Development Goal (MDG) target for drinking-water and sanitation, and analyses what these trends suggest for the remainder of the UN Decade “Water for Life” (2005 – 2015).

Human Development Report 2006: Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis

< 2006 Human Development Report (HDR 2006), Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis, emphasizes, achieving the eight MDGs very much depends on strengthening water governance at local, 国民, regional and global levels. The main imperatives of the Report are: Make water a human right—and mean it; Draw up national strategies for water and sanitation, Support national plans with international aid; Develop a global action plan

Institute for Sustainable Communities

Works to enable people to become change agents and leaders in communities by combining technical expertise and leadership training with strategic investments in local organizations. Works globally on issues from Education for Sustainability (make learning action-oriented and relevant to everyday life and local and global issues), environment, community building, civil society, social entrepreneurship, social justice, advocacy, leadership, 健康, and youth; examples of projects; publications. Work in over ten countries.

Children in a changing climate

Children in a Changing is a global action-research, advocacy and learning programme, bringing together leading research and development organisations with a commitment to share knowledge, coordinate activities and work with children as protagonists with a voice needing to be heard.

Community Action to Address Climate Change

Case studies involving community participation/action to address environmental issues at the local level.

Healthy Child Healthy World

Organization dedicated to protecting the health and well being of children from harmful environmental exposures through education and community engagement. Programs and resources on how to create healthy environments and embrace green, non-toxic steps, environmental hazards, lifestyle choices, standards and policies, and advocacy; programs include tips; prenatal care, emails and newsletters about green homes, toxic products; action kits; checklists and guidelines on topics from improving air quality to picking fruit; articles; 用語集; videos; policies; facts; ブログ; educational products including books and DVDs.

Solar Road Map

Example of solar schools around the country and resources on solar energy in schools. Links to curriculum on solar energy and power; case studies of schools that use solar energy; information on solar energy.

Urban Farming

Nonprofit organization that works to eradicate hunger, increase diversity, and engage communities by optimizing the production of unused land for food and alternative energy by building gardens; plants organic food on unused land in U.S. inner cities and gives food to people. Information on the “Green Science School Garden” program, which creates gardens at schools for studies in sciences, life skills, 健康, nutrition and alternative fuel; offers facts on food and hunger; list of superfoods and their benefits.


US-based educational services company that creates experience-based environmental programs with curriculum structured around student’s relationship to community, started to develop solar energy education initiatives. Programs include SolarQuest (energy monitoring of solar-powered telecenters, such as a youth-centered project on solar lighting systems in Uganda), news and reports on global initiatives; Solar Schools (list of schools using solar energy), Virtual Schoolhouse (online communication and information system about solar energy technology and development for teachers and students to share).

Journey to Forever

A program that studies and reports on environmental conditions while working for local NGOs in developing countries on rural development projects in local communities, focused on trees, soil and water, sustainable farming, sustainable technology, and family nutrition. Resource links to school and youth programs; information on projects from city and edible farms to composting to biofuels; information on schools projects such as solar box cookers and school composting.


Program for environmental management and certification, and sustainable development education, for schools worldwide. Raise students’ awareness of environmental and related sustainable development issues through classroom study together with school and community action, and provides an integrated system for environmental management of schools; seven elements to adopt as a methodology which is participatory (including action plan, curriculum work, and evaluation); news about individual schools and their projects; tips; classroom activity ideas; online network of schools; links to other programs.

Go Green Initiative

Nonprofit designed to create a culture of environmental responsibility on school campuses globally. Program model to teach students to be caretakers of the planet, generate community awareness, and create national interest in establishing standard and procedures for environmentally responsible practice; case studies/testimonials; why to ‘go green’; tips for teachers; support for principals; links to other schools.

SchoolNeutral Carbon Calculator

Calculator to determine carbon footprint. School-specific way to understand how school is contributing to global warming; manual on how to calculate. Calculator Download

Center for Science and Environment, インド

Step-by-step information on how to set up a school-audit that involves various stakeholders. Profiles green schools network in India. 利用可能な出版物と電子ニュースレター.

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